
1450 - 1750 // The Asian Sea Trading Network
The Asian Sea trading network was the routes that were taken to trade during the 16th century. The routes were taken by ships from different countries to get to the places they needed. Each port in the area that the ships stopped in had different supplies and materials. The area of the world explains what supplies are from where, for example most spices would be found in the areas of east and southern Asia. Each people, the Portuguese, the Dutch, and The English traveled in different ways to get the different supplies that they needed.

The Portuguese traveled from West to east. They went up to India to get supplies such as salt and cotton. They then traveled into the Persian Gulf to get things like horses and glass. They traveled past the Indian Ocean and the island of Ceylon and through the choke point near Malacca. Their journey ended near Hangzhou where they received things like Paper and silk. The Portuguese mostly got spices, animals not in their country, and supplies used to make art. 

The Dutch traveled from east to west as well. Their first stop was in Ceylon where they could get products such as Cinnamon. They then proceeded through the choke point of Malacca and went to Batavia. They also went around the East Indies. Their journey also ended near Hangzhou where the Portuguese had ended their journey. Most of the items they received and traded for were primarily spices. 

The English were the last of the people to travel through The Asian Sea Trading Network. They traveled farther than the other countries had and they also had stopped at the most places. They stopped Aden, Africa, and they were the only ones to stop there. They could get things like Ivory, gold, and silver there. They then traveled to Bombay in India and to the Bay of Bengal. Like every other country they ended their journey by going through the choke point of Malacca and to the port near Hangzhou. On their journey they could get supplies such as Gems, Salt, Cinnamon, Pepper, and other Spices. 

The Asian Sea Trading Network was the routes primarily traveled by the Spanish, Portuguese, and English in the 16th century. There they collected and traded supplies such as spices, animals, and things made for art. Each country traveled far to receive things that they don’t necessarily have in their own country. All the countries traveled in mostly the same manner from west to east. All the countries passed through the crucial choke point near Malacca and they all stopped their journey near Hangzhou, China. They traveled and traded over the sea to get to the different places to collect the supplies they needed. The Portuguese, the Dutch, and The English were the three primary groups of people that traveled in the Asian Sea Trading Network to get supplies needed in the 16th century.