
Societal Comparison by Kaenan D.

Society 1: Tokugawa Shogunate
Society 2: Ming China

-Both shunned interaction with other foreign civilizations (form of ethnocentrism)
-Political infrastructure based off a fedual system of vassals and lords
-tokugawa extended bureaucratic administration

-both relied on a substantial amount of troops to keep order
- Tokugawa military was led by individual shoguns
-Ming military was led by government- appointed military generals
-Tokugawa had trained disciplined soldiers (samurais)

-Tokugawa had four social classes: Samurai, farmers and peasants, craftsmen, and then merchants
-women remained subordinate
-both societies were romanticized 

-Ming dynasty had a surge in population growth due to introduction of new crops and the crop rotation system
-Agriculture increase due to improved farming techniques
-the Tokugawa shogunate had shoguns in charge of rice distribution; unfair distribution lead to rebellions and shogun defiance.

Global trade:
-Chinese commodities such as paper, porcealin, an silk were well desired by asia and europe.
-Europeans traded there clocks, firearms, and printing press for japanese metals such as copper and silver, as well as japanese artisan products.